Criminal Justice Cabinet

A precursor organization was created by the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court that was subsequently reconstituted and named the Sacramento County Criminal Justice Cabinet.  The Cabinet was endorsed by the Court, County Board of Supervisors and the Sacramento City Council in March 1992 to serve as the planning body for the Adult Criminal and Juvenile Justice Systems in Sacramento County. The Cabinet has integrated multi-disciplinary planning for a systemic and comprehensive approach to addressing local justice issues and needs. Through unique and cooperative working relationships, the Cabinet serves as a vehicle for discussion and coordination to accomplish mutual goals. 

The members of the Cabinet recognize that the criminal justice system does not operate in isolation, that their own individual policies and procedures affect other members, and that discussion and cooperation lead to greater efficiencies and improved forms of justice. ​The Cabinet and its committees meet not only to discuss and implement approaches to common issues that arise in the processing of adult and juvenile cases, but also to develop fresh ideas involving prevention, rehabilitation, alternative sentencing, community involvement, and information technology to provide justice and protect public safety.

The Chair of the Cabinet is the Presiding Judge, Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento.

​​Criminal Justice Cabinet Membership 

  • Presiding Judge, Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento
  • Presiding Judge, Juvenile Court, Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento
  • Sheriff
  • District Attorney
  • Public Defender
  • Chief Probation Officer
  • Chief of Police, City of Sacramento
  • County Executive
  • Sacramento City Manager
  • Deputy County Executive, Public Safety and Justice
  • Deputy County Executive, Social Services
  • Director, Department of Child, Family and Adult Services
  • Director, Department of Health Services
  • Director, Department of Human Assistance
  • County Superintendent of Schools
  • Mayor of each incorporated city
  • Member, Board of Supervisors
  • Assistant Presiding Judge, Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento
  • Court Executive Officer
  • Conflict Criminal Defender ​

Contact Information:  

Catherine YorkManagement Analyst II
Sacramento County Criminal Justice Cabinet
700 H Street, Suite 7650
Sacramento CA 95814