Article I: Name
The name of this cabinet is the Sacramento County Criminal Justice Cabinet and will be referred to as the Cabinet in the following bylaws.
Article II: Authority
The precursor organization was created by the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court and was subsequently reconstituted and named the Sacramento County Criminal Justice Cabinet which was endorsed by the Court, County Board of Supervisors and the Sacramento City Council in March 1992.
Article III: Purpose
Section A: Principal Mission
The principal mission of the Cabinet is to study the Sacramento County juvenile and criminal justice system, identify strengths and deficiencies, and formulate policy, plans and programs for changes that will enhance public safety, reduce crime, advance fair and timely disposition of cases, and maximize the efficient use of resources. In addition, its mission is to facilitate cooperation, communicate, and present planning, financial, operational, managerial, and programmatic recommendations to the agencies represented on the Cabinet.
The Cabinet is committed to providing the coordinated leadership necessary to establish cohesive public policies based on research, evaluation and monitoring of policy decisions and programs implemented. The Cabinet is committed to promoting effective and innovative corrections programs for adult and juvenile offenders. Through a coordinated planning effort the Cabinet reviews, evaluates and makes policy recommendations on vital criminal justice system issues.
Section B: Guiding Principle
The Cabinet is committed to serve as the planning body for the Criminal and Juvenile Justice System in Sacramento County.
Section C: Recommendations to Board of Supervisors
The Cabinet can make recommendations to public policy boards regarding juvenile and criminal justice system issues.
Article IV: Members
Section A: Membership
- Presiding Judge, Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento
- Presiding Judge, Juvenile Court, Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento
- Sheriff
- District Attorney
- Public Defender
- Chief Probation Officer
- Chief of Police, City of Sacramento
- County Executive
- Sacramento City Manager
- Deputy County Executive, Public Safety and Justice
- Deputy County Executive, Social Services
- Director, Department of Child, Family and Adult Services
- Director, Department of Health Services
- Director, Department of Human Assistance
- County Superintendent of Schools
- Mayor of each incorporated city
- Member, Board of Supervisors
- Assistant Presiding Judge, Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento
- Court Executive Officer
- Conflict Criminal Defender
Section B: Ex-Officio Members
Members of the Sacramento legislative delegation are non-voting members of the Cabinet.
Article V: Meetings
Section A: Regular Meetings
The Cabinet meets quarterly on the second Thursday of January, April, July, and October, beginning at 8:30 a.m.
Section B: Designees
In their absence, Cabinet members may designate an appropriate staff person to represent them and vote at Cabinet meetings. Any member wishing to appoint a designee is to identify the designee in written correspondence addressed to the Chair and/or staff of the Cabinet. Designees can only be changed by notifying the Chair and/or staff in writing.
Section C: Alternate
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors names a representative and alternate to serve as Cabinet members. The representative may appoint a designee as described in Article V, Section B to represent the Board of Supervisors when neither the representative nor alternate is available to attend.
Section D: Quorum
A quorum is no less than a simple majority of the membership of the Executive Committee. Designees cannot be counted when determining a quorum at the Full Cabinet meeting. Designees can be counted toward a quorum at Executive Committee meetings only. If a quorum is not present, Cabinet staff will query by email absent Executive Committee members to obtain their vote and notify all attendees of the final decision at the next scheduled meeting.
Section E: Convening Special Meetings
The Chair of the Cabinet may convene a special meeting. Written notice must be served at least 48 hours in advance. Only items included in the written notice may be discussed or considered.
Section F: Staff Support
Staff support is provided by the County Executive’s Office to a maximum level of 1.5 positions. Costs for such support are shared equally by the members of the Executive Committee except during times when the support is less than one full-time equivalent position.
Article VI: Chair
The Chair of the Cabinet is the Presiding Judge, Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento. In instances when the Chair cannot attend a meeting, one of the other two judicial officers serving on the Cabinet will preside over the meeting as designated by the Presiding Judge.
Article VII: Voting
Each Cabinet member has one vote. Designees may vote on behalf of a member if they have been identified by the member in written correspondence addressed to the Chair. Action may be taken by a majority vote of those present and by not less than a majority of the quorum.
Article VIII: Committees
Section A: Purpose
To expedite and facilitate the business of the Cabinet and the orderly and efficient consideration of matters coming before it, the following standing committees are established.
Section B: Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is the decision making body of the Cabinet and has the authority to implement policies and programs consistent with the goals identified by the Cabinet. The Executive Committee is to provide leadership in the planning and implementation of the Cabinet goals by:
- Designating existing structures or creating new structures for the achievement of the Cabinet goals
- Approving implementation plans, timetables and costs, and reporting on such matters to the Cabinet
- Approving requests made for resources, developing alternatives when appropriate, and reporting to the Cabinet on such matters
- Reviewing and making recommendations regarding other matters delegated to it by the Cabinet
- Planning the agendas of the Cabinet meetings
- Presiding Judge, Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento (Chair)
- Presiding Judge, Juvenile Court, Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento
- Assistant Presiding Judge, Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento
- Sheriff
- District Attorney
- Public Defender
- Chief Probation Officer
- Chief of Police, City of Sacramento
- Deputy County Executive, Public Safety and Justice
- Deputy County Executive, Social Services Agency
- Court Executive Officer
- Director, Department of Child, Family and Adult Services
- Director, Department of Health Services
- Director, Department of Human Assistance
- Conflict Criminal Defender
The Executive Committee meets on the second Thursday of February, March, May, June, August, September, November and December, beginning at 8:30 a.m. Article V, Sections B and C regarding designees and quorum apply to the Executive Committee meetings.
Section C: Juvenile Institutions, Programs and Court Committee
The Juvenile Institutions, Programs and Court Committee determines juvenile justice policies for the Cabinet. Its mission is to:
- Coordinate with the County’s Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council (described in Section 749.22 of the Welfare and Institutions Code) to identify and evaluate program, management, operational, and facility deficiencies confronting the juvenile justice system;
- develop policy, innovative solutions, implementation and resource timing recommendations regarding disposition alternatives;
- study the utilization, modifications, or expansion of existing detention facilities necessary to meet the County's current and future needs for responding to youthful offender populations;
- develop policy recommendations concerning staffing, service levels, operating standards, rehabilitative programming emphasis, and other essential requirements for guiding the overall administration of juvenile institutions;
- identify, evaluate and recommend contingency plans/interim actions which could be taken to minimize the triggering of lawsuits if excessive crowding of facilities continues; and
- make policy and implementation recommendations which will promote an effective goal-oriented juvenile dispositional process which makes use of intermediate community, service-based, supervision, program dispositions, and/or detention sanctions.
Membership – Representatives of the following agencies:
- Probation, Chair
- Juvenile Court Presiding Judge
- District Attorney
- Sheriff
- Deputy County Executive, Public Safety and Justice
- Deputy County Executive, Social Services
- Public Defender
- Department of Child, Family, and Adult Services
- Sacramento Police Department
- County Superintendent of Schools
- Juvenile Justice Commission and Delinquency Prevention Commission
- Juvenile Medical Services
- Department of Health Services
- Community Based Organization
- Conflict Criminal Defender
The Juvenile Institutions, Programs and Court Committee will meet on a schedule determined by the Chair of the Committee.
Section D: Justice and Health Collaborative Stakeholder Committee (JHCSC)
The Justice and Health Collaborative Stakeholder Committee addresses shared adult criminal justice and social service system needs for the Cabinet through identification and implementation of cost-effective policies and programs. Its goal is to:
- Implement changes aimed at reducing jail bookings, lengths of stay, and returns to custody for people who have significant behavioral health needs;
- Produce strategies and solutions that reduce criminalization of individuals with serious mental illness and reduce the number of individuals who are determined to be incompetent to stand trial (IST) on felony charges;
- solicit ideas, gather information, conduct research, and make recommendations for improvements in criminal and social service case processing, data sharing, services, and case management across systems and agencies; and
- cooperatively perform immediate and long-range planning for multi-systemic issues.
Membership – Representatives of the following agencies:
- Superior Court, Judicial Officer, Co-Chair
- Deputy County Executive, Public Safety and Justice, Co-Chair
- Sheriff
- Probation
- District Attorney
- Public Defender
- Conflict Criminal Defender
- Deputy County Executive, Social Services
- Department of Health Services
- Department of Child, Family, and Adult Services
- Department of Human Assistance
- Sacramento Police Department
- Department of Technology
- Department of Homeless Services and Housing
The Justice and Health Collaborative Stakeholder Committee will meet on a schedule determined by the Co-Chairs of the Committee.
Section E: Integrated Justice Information Systems (IJIS) Steering Committee
The IJIS Steering Committee determines IJIS policy direction and provides limited technology project approval for the Cabinet. The mission of the IJIS Steering Committee is to:
- improve the efficiency and effectiveness of justice agencies, social service agencies and Court partners using and contributing to IJIS;
- promote information security awareness, policies, coordination, and collaboration;
- identify technology solutions and projects to address interagency data needs to enrich the quality of justice; and
- enhance the safety of Sacramento citizens through authorized integration and timely sharing of justice, social service and other information systems.
Membership - Representatives of the following agencies:
- Superior Court, Judicial Officer, Co-Chair
- District Attorney, Chief Assistant, Co-Chair
- Sheriff
- Public Defender
- Probation
- Public Safety and Justice Agency
- Department of Child, Family, and Adult Services
- Department of Child Support Services
- Department of Health Services
- Department of Human Assistance
- Department of Finance, Revenue Recovery
- Department of Technology
- Conflict Criminal Defender
- Sacramento Police Department
- Elk Grove Police Department
- Citrus Heights Police Department
- Folsom Police Department
- Rancho Cordova Police Department
- Galt Police Department
The IJIS Steering Committee meets on a schedule determined by the Co-Chairs and Committee members.
Article IX: Parliamentary Authority
Roberts’ Rules of Order, revised, governs all Cabinet meetings except in instances of conflict between the rules of order and the bylaws of the Cabinet or provision of law.
Article X: Amendment of BylawsProposed amendments to the bylaws are to be included on the agenda of a regularly scheduled Executive Committee meeting. If approved by the Executive Committee, the proposal will be forwarded to the Cabinet at a regularly scheduled meeting for approval. Any action in response to the proposed change in the bylaws taken by the Cabinet becomes effective immediately.
Revised June 2005/October 2006/October 2007/December 2009/April 2018/October 2021/July 2024