Public Safety and Justice Agency Advisory Committee Charter

Purpose Statement

The Sacramento County Public Safety and Justice Agency (Agency) is committed to engaging with the residents of Sacramento County to best serve this community.

The Public Safety and Justice Agency Advisory Committee (Committee) is a critical component of this engagement. The committee will provide an ongoing forum for members of the community to directly engage with the Agency on critical matters impacting the community to include, but not limited to, jail populations and recidivism reduction efforts.

The Committee will consider and discuss efforts and means to improve outcomes for those impacted by Sacramento County's criminal justice system. Discussions will involve managing jail populations, increasing social services, increasing diversion efforts, reducing recidivism, addressing racial and ethnic disparities, and improving countywide efficiencies. The Committee will assist the Public Safety and Justice Agency with collaboration between all Sacramento County criminal justice agencies, entities, and organizations.


There will be up to 15 community members on the Committee. The Committee shall be comprised of a cross section of community members to include representation from:

  • Behavioral Health Services
  • Medical and Public Health Providers
  • Civil Rights Organizations
  • Public/Private Education
  • Youth Mentors
  • Formerly Incarcerated Individuals
  • Crime Survivors
  • Recidivism Reduction Organizations
  • Clergy
  • Business Owners
  • Neighborhood Associations
  • Philanthropic Organizations

Selection: Candidates for the committee will submit their interest through the member applicant form with name, contact information, and organization representing, to the Agency Deputy County Executive for consideration. A person must be a resident of Sacramento County to be eligible for a seat on the Committee. The Agency Deputy County Executive will review the submissions with aid from The Alliance for Safety and Justice. The Agency Deputy County Executive shall submit a list of names for initial membership of the Committee to the County Executive. The County Executive Officer, or designee, shall make the final appointments to the Committee.

Vacancies: Members of the Committee may make nominations to fill any vacancy. Interested members of the community may submit a member applicant form for consideration of placement to fill a vacancy through the Agency Deputy County Executive.

County Staff will be present during Committee meetings to inform the Committee discussions and recommendations. Staff present during Committee meetings will be representatives from:

Sacramento County Probation, Sacramento County Public Defender, Conflict Criminal Defender, Sacramento County Coroner, Sacramento County Health Services (specifically Adult Correctional Health Services), and County Counsel.

A representative from the following entities shall also be invited to all Committee meetings. Those entities are the:

Sacramento County District Attorney's Office, Family Justice Center, Sacramento County Sheriff's Office, Sacramento County Inspector General, and Criminal Justice Cabinet Chair or designee.

Committee members will serve a term of two years. The Agency Deputy County Executive may fill vacancies on the committee and may remove a member from the committee at any time without cause. 


Open, honest and respectful dialogue will be paramount for the committee. The meetings shall follow Roberts Rules of Order. 

An agenda will be prepared by Agency staff prior to all meetings and the agenda shall guide the conversations. All meetings shall include an agenda item where Committee members may propose future agenda items. 

The Agency Deputy County Executive shall act as the Chair for the Committee during all meetings.

The committee will meet at least quarterly and more often as needed, and will ensure at least two meetings per year are during evening hours.

An independent facilitator will, as needed, facilitate meeting discussions.

A shared public safety discussion will be led by the Alliance for Safety and Justice, and common definitions will be established by and for the committee.

Committee members may also send recommended agenda items to the Agency Deputy County Executive.

The committee meetings are closed to non-members of the committee and the public. County Staff will retain notes of the meetings.


The committee is advisory to the Public Safety and Justice Agency Deputy County Executive.


The Agency Deputy County Executive, through the County Executive Officer, will report committee activities to the Board of Supervisors on at least an annual basis.

This charter was written by Agency Deputy County Executive Eric Jones on March 23, 2022, and accepted by the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors on June 15, 2022.